Friday, May 25, 2007


Today we went to the Park. I drove 100 miles round trip, hiked several miles in the park (more birdwatching so we can learn all the birds we need to know) and I got up at 4.15 a.m.
I'm tired.
We probably won't be camping out until Monday. Because this is Memorial Day weekend and there is a music festival going on here (Strawberry), the campsites/park are mobbed. You beat the crowds by arriving in the park at 6 a.m. Believe it or not, it's worth it.
I saw one of my favorite birds today - the American Dipper, she who swims. I actually saw 2 of them in different locations.
We also saw a bear in a meadow. He looked like he was happily munching on grasses.
For you rock-climbing fans out there, we sat in El Capitan Meadow for awhile and watched all the crazy people going up that sheer wall of granite. You get a sense of the scale of it when you spy a person and they look like an insect.


Unknown said...

Tee hee. I got to see a dipper today, too! (I'm in Idaho right now.) I'm glad things are going well over in Cali.

Also, I recently started learning to rock climb. I'm not great at it, but one day I'll climb El Cap. Just wait.

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Today I'm going to work. It should be very exciting. I will climb stairs and stare at a computer for long periods. Later I will return a DVD to the store and return some library books.

Dayna said...

anonymous, you sound like my kind of guy. i detect a note of sarcasm in your response, which i always find quite attractive. perhaps we should get together sometime?