Friday, July 20, 2007


I took a final backpack trip with some friends. It was mellow and fun and gorgeous. The trail followed the Tuolumne River.
I had to hike in my Tevas. When I got to the trailhead I realized that I had forgotten to put my insoles in my hiking boots. I had nasty blisters from Hetch Hetchy, so rather than risk more, I opted for a six-mile sandal hike. It wasn't bad; I was just filthy.
Out of focus, but wanted to give an idea of how dirty the bottoms of one's feet get, also.
These are the falls near Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp, where we stayed.

Mt. Conness at sunset

LeConte Falls
And, I managed to injure myself once more, this time on a balance board I liked to play on at the house. The backcountry proved to be much less dangerous than civilization.
The drive back was hot and nerve-wracking; I was worried about my car not making it. Other than the "Check Engine" light coming on and the speedometer not working for about 20 minutes, it went smoothly. I crossed my fingers and hoped the car would make it over Grapevine (Tejon Pass) without the radiator exploding, and then was warmly welcomed by this:
Aaah ... traffic. How I have not missed ye. Los Angeles seems huge and crowded and - I am overwhelmed, shell-shocked.

On a positive note, my husband reports that coyotes have visited our backyard several times this week. Not the same as the black bear we saw crossing the road right down from our house in Groveland, but still pretty cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! The video of the coyotes in your yard is very cool.